Tuesday, March 28, 2006

cow change

Up in the Northern part of Rwanda this weekend we saw a bunch of hybrid Rwandan/European cows. They look like Jerseys with short horns and strange markings on their faces.

Corrie informed me that the government did 5,000 artificial inseminations last year to make Rwandan cows have hybrid calves. So instead of the 1 liter of milk produced by a Rwandan cow, you get 10 or 15 from it's Jersey-hybrid offspring. Pretty good improvement for one generation, no?

(Why this random fact on a blog which is purportedly about the Conrads' experiences and observations? I think the Jr. Higher in me just wanted to write about 5,000 cows getting artificially inseminated. 5,000 cows. Heh, heh.)


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